Zachary Lopez


Welp, a year and half and zero posts. Gonna try to remedy that this year and at least post the things I learn and read.

Anyhow, the big news, on January 2nd, 2018, I started working at Postmates! I joined the merchant team as a Software Engineer focused on the backend.

Django Meetup Presentation

Boom! So on Wednesday, 7/27/16, I gave a presentation on the Django and Postgres and the issues that we have been facing lately.

This was a really fun experience. I haven’t given a large presentation like this since my career switch. In comparison, I would say that there isn’t too much difference between the two.

Updates & Future Plans

Welp, there goes another 7 months posts. That sucks!


At work, I feel really great! I’m confident in what I am doing and I’m able to that impact each and every day. Very recently, I’ve been doing a ton of work on optimizing our database performance. It’s been fun looking at queries and figuring out a better way to get the data we need. I’ll need to do a more formal and detailed post as this progresses.

Time Flies...

It’s been a minute…or two…or several months. Finding time to write is hard, or rather finding a way not to write is pretty easy. These last few months have been a whirlwind. Dealt with passing of my father due to cancer (fuck you, cancer!) and then have just dived into work and being a better engineer.

I guess this post will be an update and a committment to get back on the train and update this site more as head into 2016.

Tbt who was i 16 years ago

The realest throwback Thursday.

So I ran across an old essay that I wrote in high school. It was for an Atheism and Faith class. I’m not sure what the prompt was exactly, but something about life and beliefs and who I was. The following was originally written on May 4, 1999. Fun to see who I was and reflect on who I am now. Crazy…

Anyhow, reprinting this as written, mistakes in grammar and spelling as they are. Just capturing that moment.